Making insurance a critically integrated part of your cyber security

The Secured Cyber Insurance offered by our underwriting partners, provides cyber insurance policies to “high risk business” making cyber insurance a connected part of your cyber security environment with 100% Australian support behind it – (no foreign call centres)
“Secured Cyber Insurance provides for specialised industries who find it difficult to get full cover cyber insurance such as software developers, app providers, finance & credit, medical practitioners, health and online retail.
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of consumers will no longer support businesses who lose credit/debit card information in a data breach

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of businesses have cyber insurance, that means up to 85% are exposed to great risk

There has never been a more important time to use Insurance as a tool to mitigate you cyber risks!

IT SECURITY IS NOT ENOUGH ON ITS OWN. “The IT security industry cannot guarantee you 100% against cyber breach” The COSTS of breach by cyber attack can be onerous in both costs of repair, personal liabilities of Directors, penalties by government, loss of business revenues and profits, loss of customers and severe damage to your name and brand. As part of our solutions for cyber insurance risk development - we provide you with “Advanced AI-driven’ IT protection services AND the tools to – “project manage and monitor everything that is happening across your company’s cyber environment including unsafe use of all your internal devices including wireless devices like smartphones, tablets and laptops and including computers being used by staff working from home and which reports “immediately if something unsafe is happening in your company.”

You can choose the right policy designed for your business – however small or big you are.

Cyber Insurance

There is no 100% defence against cyber-attack

It is clear there is no 100% defence against cyber-attack. As part of a holistic business cyber mitigation strategy, a bespoke cyber insurance policy will help to offset the high costs of providing incident response services and associated costs relating to a cyber breach event. The Secured Cyber insurance solution is specifically tailored and available to protect small businesses with essential coverage against cyber threats and data breaches. Secured Cyber provides sophisticated yet affordable coverage to minimise the impact to your business and protect its reputation. The Secured Cyber approach considers the following;

    • Incident response.
    • Access to security experts.
    • Investigation and recovery framework.
    • Crisis management.
    • Endpoint protection with incident repsonse.
    • 72 hour roll back protection.
    • Breach identification and containment.
    • Get your Cyber insurance now!

An affordable low touch solution

Repeated cyber breaches into organisations demonstrate the need for a relook at how data is managed, and cybersecurity improved. Cyber threats continue to grow at an alarming rate and represent one of the most serious operational and financial risks facing business (Williams, Manheke 2010). The national and economic security of all nations depends on the reliable functioning of critical infrastructure in the face of such threats. Beyond critical infrastructure, the economic vitality of countries and organisations depends on the sustainable operation of organisations of all types, particularly business (Day, 2000). From the research, there are four main areas that need to be addressed to build a strong cyber defence for the organisation. They include Assessment, Endpoint protection, Education and Insurance.