Knowledge is power, audit to protect!!

The "CIS Cyber Audit" is different. It is a thorough “business” cyber audit – not just an 'IT' assessment – The CIS cyber risk audit will evaluate the organisation's cyber risks across your business practices, creating a cyber risk profile of your business operations including detailed IT requirements. To be effective across all potential cyber weaknesses – a cyber audit must be based upon a recognised cyber standard (NIST) and cover any local cyber standards in the region (Aus-Essential 8, UK – Cyber Essentials etc). Ideally, the audit will be online, have automated reporting and ability to be updated, including every area of your business practices and be a valuable tool continuously.

growth in data breaches over the past few years and is growing!


of organisations put cyber security as their number one priority

The CIS Cyber Audit

An holistic business cyber audit will provide a sure foundation to build upon

Through a holistic cyber audit, every company from SME to enterprise can confidentially determine where improvements are required to strengthen cyber defences. The audit must include recommendations, steps to follow and ideally templates, example policies and procedures to support a poorly resourced sector. The CIS cyber audit has two versions – one for SME to middle market size companies and one for Enterprise.

Elements of audit include
  • Identify your IT vulnerabilities, including web and domain protection vulnerabilities.
  • Identify your cyber business practices (policies and procedures, people & training, third party exposure, legal compliance, board room cyber management structures, insurance cover analytics.).
  • Respond & recover readiness.
  • Insurance requirement specialised to your specific needs.
  • Project management workflow to address identified vulnerabilities.
  • Comprehensive recommendations and best practice.
  • People cyber practices, weaknesses, cyber management abilities and attitudes.
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